Monday, May 5, 2008

Casual Monday -- You Have to Shave the Beard Edition

Sometimes, you just have to make that giant recreation of your favorite 2D side-scroller's character costumes and then do battle. Let's be clear -- it's the right thing to do. (Is he fighting Gohan?) Either way, this week's casual release comes to us as a confusing menagerie of meta-game/actual-game/flash-game/beard-game, in the form of Castle Crashing The Beard -- a mini-game created for the Behemoth programmer (and creator) Tom Fulp. Simply put, CCTB is centered around one man's quest to not shave until his work is done and one castle crasher's fight against that.

According to the horse's mouth directly, "Tom Fulp, creator of and programmer for “The Behemoth” has vowed not to shave his face until the release of his next console game, Castle Crashers for the X-Box 360 live-arcade. Newgrounds office workers have noticed Tom’s behavior and sanity steadily declining as his beard grows.
Will Tom win his battle to finish Castle Crashers, or will “The Beard” win in the end?"

So you've seen it here first! You can now say with confidence you've played a really good meta-game/actual-game/flash-game/beard-game. Hey, at very least it was entertaining, right? See y'all in the cut.

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