Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dead Fantasy II -- A Monty Oum of Quality

This is not for anyone in particular, it's for people who like things that are awesome, and only them. If you're smart you'll watch the whole thing from end to end, most likely forgetting to inhale while witnessing ridiculous fight scenes. From the creator of Haloid before it (as well as Dead Fantasy I), Monty Oum again brings incredible editing to a mashup battle of characters from separate videogame universes. As with DFI, he again pairs the flying, shooting, gunblade-pointing femme fatales of the Final Fantasy world with the massive-breast-wielding females of Dead or Alive fame.

Lots of your favorites appear here, with a promise in the future that, " You seriously have not seen anything yet." Oh dip! That's good to read, 'cause honestly, we were impressed as hell with Haloid alone. The fact that these are free makes them all the more impressive, from this blogger's humble perspective. Enjoy!

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