Monday, March 24, 2008

Casual Monday -- Dinosaurs With Feathers Edition

Holy crap! It's past noon! Normally we like to have our Casual Monday section up and running early in the a.m., for your gaming pleasure. This week, however, we got caught up playing this game so much that we didn't even realize the time. I guess it's true what they say, "Time flies when you're driving over dead velociraptors." Oh well. As you may have inferred from our oh-so-clever title, this week's Casual Monday comes to you from Flashbang Studios, and is titled Off-Road Velociraptor Safari. Seriously, that's really the name. Amazing, isn't it?

The premise? You drive a Jeep Wrangler looking 4x4 over the scattered herds of velociraptors, sometimes deploying your medieval spiked mace to finish the job. There are achievements, points for just about everything and lots of good fun to be had. The driving mechanic isn't perfect but it's pretty frackin' good for a web-based, 3-dimensional, velociraptor murder sim.

Flashbang Studios have lovingly stated their intentions in creating this game on their website:
"Off-Road Velociraptor Safari was created in eight weeks. We made the game because we wanted to play it. Enjoy!"

There's a bit of a thinly veiled story regarding the velociraptors dead bodies and why you're bringing their carcasses to teleporters (they're being transported to the future where there's less meat -- obviously.) The company you work for has littered the ancient terrain with boxes of supplies, teleporters and conveniently placed jumps, which is mighty nice of them, don't you think?

Seriously though, did you really need a story for this? This is gold. Why aren't you playing right now?

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