Friday, February 1, 2008

Happy Podcast Day!

Once a week, unfortunately all at once, the best gaming podcasts are released. Sure, we'll admit it, there are other excellent gaming podcasts out there (I'm looking at you, Game Theory), but this writer must be an advocate: the opinions expressed by Garnett Lee and the rest of the (sometimes rotating) 1UP Yours crew are gold. Anyways, the list for Friday is as follows:

Joystiq Podcast
(feat. Chris Grant, Ludwig Kietzmann and Justic McElroy)
The CAGcast (feat. CheapyD and Wombat)
The 1UP Show and 1UP Yours Podcast (feat. too many people to mention in this small space)

Now the real question is this: When will N'Gai Croal (of Newsweek fame) and Stephen Totilo (of MTV fame) team up and create their own podcast?

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