Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy Podcast Day! -- GDC Edition

It's been a busy week folks, we're not gonna lie. There's just a hell of a lot going on and not a lot of it is actual news, at least for our purposes. If you get into the whole big business, commerce vs. art, games journalism kinda thing (and believe you me, we really do), then you will probably appreciate the glut of recorded audio flowing through the large set of interconnected tubes this week.

The list is the usual, but the formats have changed for some. The CAGcast stays its regular, once-a-week format, while the folks at Joystiq and 1UP have eschewed tradition for daily GDC podcasts. We especially suggest the 1UP Yours! with Amy Hennig and Lorne Lanning -- wait for the amazing debate at the end, worth every second.

Joystiq Podcast (feat. Chris Grant, Ludwig Kietzmann and Justic McElroy)
The CAGcast (feat. CheapyD and Wombat)
The 1UP Show and 1UP Yours Podcast (feat. Garnett Lee, Shane Bettenhausen, Bryan Intihar, and Shawn Elliott)

With all this good stuff, we haven't even had time to check out this week's Bonus Round or Game Theory, assuredly both excellent as well. Any suggestions for the weekly podcast roundup can drop be left in the comments!

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