Monday, February 25, 2008

Casual Monday: Aperture Science Edition

Though some of us have already mentioned a Portal flash game earlier in the week, much like most of the gaming community, we here at QPHQ fell fast and hard for Valve's three hour lovechild. And though we're not much for ARG's normally, this week's casual game is most certainly one of those.

We're quite inclined to let you do some searching yourself (around the Enrichment Center, of course) for the login and password -- but given we weren't exactly such astute observers ourselves the first time, we'll give you this:

1.) Click on the area blinking to allow you to type text.
2.) Type, 'login'
3.) For Username, type, 'CJOHNSON'
4.) For Password, type, 'TIER3'

You're on your own from there, dearest reader. If you don't have any knowledge of basic MS-DOS commands (or UNIX for that matter), then you may have a bit of a problem. Otherwise, read the entirety of, 'NOTES.EXE.' It's hilarious.

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