Tuesday, May 20, 2008

All Your Base Are Belong To Us

"Houston we have a problem." That problem being the veritable deluge of excellent gaming product flooding all consoles since last august. It's a miracle any of us here at QP managed to finish our schooling. Riding on the coat tails of that wave comes Space Invaders Extreme a new look for an old favorite. Features power-ups, boss battles, and unrelenting pretty hot and tempting techno beats. Drops June 17 2008 C.E. (that's the common era for those wondering).

It's a good thing we have Hannah Montana: Music Jam to keep us occupied in the mean time. And just let you in on what kind of crazy prepubescent adventures you'll be getting yourself into we've got a screen shot right here for you (You're guess is definetly better and more mature than mine.) I mean who even ever heard of Ninja Gaiden DS?

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