Monday, April 21, 2008

Uwe Boll is Never Making a WoW Movie...Ever

And seriously, thanks to the benevolent being that granted us with this truth. According to the MTV Movies Blog, "The Bowl" (or "The Bowel", depending on what day you ask us) approached Blizzard's Paul Sams about a movie adaptation of their cash producing virtual ziggurat and Sams had this to say in response, "We will not sell the movie rights, not to you…especially not to you." Boll continued digging his own personal ditch by adding, "Because it’s such a big online game success, maybe a bad movie would destroy that ongoing income, what the company has with it."

Even Uwe Boll himself knows the movies he directs are bad, apparently the hypothetical ones as well. In case you were looking to read more hilarious quotes from the man who needs a good PR assistant more than anyone, the rest of the piece can be found here.

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