Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Journalistic Integrity? What's That?

We're not exactly known for our hard hitting investigative reporting and industry-wide criticisms here at Quarterplay (though it is known to happen), but as a major of journalism and a believer in journalistic integrity, it would be flat out impossible for me, personally, to not post something regarding the recent "McIGN" statements made by everyone's favorite videogame rumor blog, Surfer Girls Reviews Star Wars.

He/she tears apart recent posts by IGN Nintendo Associate Editor Daemon Hatfield as well as IGN Nintendo editor in chief Matt Casamassina, citing misinformation and editorial mixing with advertising. I'm not one to take many stances, especially regarding my career and it's future, but as I've been saying in person to friends for the past few years, IGN is a terrible website. The fact that it's Fox-owned doesn't help, but it's terrible writing combined with it's "fuck everyone else" attitude, as a human being, pushes me elsewhere. Remember IGN's Hilary Goldstein taking potshots at CheapyD (of CheapAssGamer fame) on his podcast? I sure do, and I'm willing to bet CheapyD does as well.

The gaming community has little space for tough guy jerks and elitist mentality. Personally, I listen to about eight or nine gaming podcasts a week and not a single one is from IGN. I tried -- they're not funny and they're smattered with arrogance. So let me be the first, speaking for myself and not for Quarterplay on the whole, to say this: No more IGN. In the immortal words of Hans Moleman, "Let's not listen."

PS: The picture at the top is for real, and thus, "McIGN." GameSpot is notorious for skinning their site in ads as well (remember the Kane & Lynch fiasco?), so we're not sayin' anything about this. Hell, if you want to skin Quarterplay in Target ads and pay off my college loan, go for it. It does look ridiculous though, let's be honest.


Anonymous said...

You actually agreed with that? There are plenty of opportunities to call sites like IGN to task -- but to complain that an article ended with a summary as to when Wii Fit would come out and what it would cost? C'mon.

Benjamin Gilbert said...

Agreed with regards to the Matt Casamassina criticism but not with regards to the former. IGN's style of reporting is suspect at the least and tabloid at the worst. I don't necessarily agree with all that 'Surfer Girl' says but I do agree with not reading IGN. I wish you'd left an e-mail address to continue this conversation.