Friday, March 28, 2008

"Why People Don't Finish Games Anymore" has a neat little feature up about why gamers tend to abandon games before they finish them. As a long-time sufferer of what I refer to as "gamer's ADD", I can relate to the article completely, especially this little bit:

"In other words, compared to the '80s, not as many gamers need to scrounge up pocket money or beg Grandma for pennies to buy the latest hit. Games have moved beyond a once-a-year treat at Christmas or birthdays that are subsequently picked apart and scoured for every second of available fun. Now, once a game loses the slightest bit of momentum, it's not difficult for gamers to find themselves lured away by another title."

Back in the SNES days, I had very few games, and I played through all of them obsessively. I have a game file on my Donkey Kong Country cartridge that has more hours logged into it than any RPG I own. Now, games have less of a novelty factor, and we feel less compelled to scour a game for every last little thing (how many people actually wandered around and got all those goddamn flags in Assassin's Creed?)

However, as of late I've been getting better about beating games. I've beaten all of my 360 games, and all but two of my Wii games. DS and PSP games are much harder for me to pay attention to, for reasons I cannot identify. I'll beat New Super Mario Bros....eventually...

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