Wednesday, February 20, 2008

GDC: Mid-Week Fire Sale

Gadzooks! GDC is in full swing! Joystiq's own Ludwig Kietzmann is live bloggging the Microsoft Keynote, as we speak! Announcements abound, so beware, and hit refresh often. (They've been teasing Gears of War 2 all over that piece.)

Furthermore, the 1UP Yours crew are podcasting every single day, Tuesday thru Friday, with ridiculously impressive guests and always hilarious but intelligent banter. At least someone grants game development more creedence than toy development!

Oh, and there's a link to this press release for Gears of War 2 on the NeoGAF boards. While, like Microsoft, we're not inclined to comment on speculation or rumors, this press release reads like the horoscopes. That's all we're saying. Now, bask in the bedlam that is mid-week GDC coverage!

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