The BBC recently reported some terrifying shit about nanotechnology and how microscopic robots are one day going to be injected into us to cure our diseases....and then completely reprogram our souls for the advancement of the Dark One's agenda.
Luckily for us this technology isn't expected to be introduced for, at the very least, 15 years. But in the mean time, US/Australian based company Emotiv will gladly prep your brain for Sata....I mean Hendrik Schon's nanobots.
Introduing the Epoch Neuroheadset: it zips, it zaps, it doesn't require gel to be smeared on your scalp (finally!) No longer do you have to waste precious, miniscule finger movements to take out that tango, just think about it and -- BLAM! -- more firepower than a Lockheed AC-130. That's right, this thing reads your brainwaves and responds accordingly.
Epoch claims the headset will work wirelessly with new gen consoles, and PCs. And here's the best part, they're BETA Testing right now. "Experience the bleeding-edge of technology...." -- wait one goddamn second -- is it just me or does this thing scare the living smurf out of anyone else? Not only does it read your brainwaves, but something about my brain mixing with the "bleeding-edge" of technology sounds downright unnatural.

I don't believe they've begun developing any full length games for 'The Leecher' since all my searches came back with info about semi-legitimate game developer Epoch (Gauntlet Legends, R-Type DX), combined with the fact that the headset is still in BETA.
Anyway, I heartily advise anyone and everyone to immediately denounce and destroy this product once it hits the market. And just in case it catches on....
Hail Satan! May Her Dark Reign Last A Thousand Years!
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