Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sexiest Videogame Characters

MSNBC has a piece up about the "top five sexiest videogame characters," which got me thinking what my own list of sexiness would look like. I disagree with...well, pretty much all of their list, except maybe Lara Croft and Dante. Gordon Freeman looks like Ned Flanders and Agent 47 is just....not my cup of tea. So! I give you, in no particular order, the ladies and gentlemen that made me swoon just a little bit when they popped up on my TV.

Balthier (Final Fantasy XII) - Ah, yes, Balthier. Finally a sexy, sassy, fashionable male character in an FF game that doesn't irritate the hell out of me. Plus he has that whole thing with a woman with rabbit ears, and that's gotta be worth something.

Eva (Metal Gear Solid 3) - Eva was an interesting character, one who I never quite figured out. She was a smart cookie too, and I'm looking forward to seeing her in MGS4, even if she's getting a bit old.

Zack (Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) - Zack's up there with Balthier in the club of sexy FF men. Definitely better than his pseudo protégé Cloud, anyway. Plus, he's the only man other than Snake who can pull off a mullet.

Kid (Chrono Cross) - This makes me feel dirty, since she's supposed to be 16 in the game. In my defense, I was 13 in 2000 when CC came out and I first played it. Anyway, eating disorder aside, isn't Kid just the cutest little thing?! She's crass and offensive, and I fucking love a woman who swears.

Fei Fong Wong (Xenogears) - I never actually beat Xenogears, so I don't know much about his actual character, but he certainly looks sexy, what with his chiseled abs and stunning features. Plus he was a pretty mean martial artist, which is definitely sexy.

Quistis Trepe (Final Fantasy VIII) - Yeah, another RPG character. Sue me. Quistis gets hotness points for three reasons: She carries a whip, she wears glasses, and she told off Rinoa for being the whiny whore that she was. Be still my heart!

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