Friday, February 15, 2008

Designing the Presidential Candidates

Holy interesting facts, Batman! As if the 1UP Network wasn't already doing enough for you, what with their free EGM subscriptions and dare we say plethora of podcasts, they've gathered up info on all your favorite game developers (as well as publishers) and found out exactly who they're placing their financial backing behind in this upcoming election -- and the results might....disappoint the hell out of you.

Luckily, only $500 was spent in total towards Mike Huckabee, though clearly Huckabee has God on his side sooooo, I guess it's still anyone's race. But seriously, did anyone expect to see so much money go towards Republicans? Us here at QPHQ make no religious or political affiliations, but really, $2300 for Fred Thompson? Let's just hope you can write off that whole donation when you file your taxes, Ian Schmidt of Electronic Arts. That's all I'm sayin'.

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